Disaster management delegation headed by Deputy Governor of Istanbul, Mr. Haluk Nadir, visited the International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (IIEES) on September 7, 2015.
During the meeting, Dr. Kambod Amini Hosseini, director of Risk Management Research Center, introduced IIEES and explained about its mission and activities especially regarding risk mitigation in national, regional and international level. Besides, a cooperation between IIEES and Istanbul was offered for performing the 19th earthquake drill at schools held yearly by IIEES with the motto “Safe Schools, Resilience Community” on November 29, 2015 in both cities (Tehran and Istanbul) simultaneously.
The delegation visited different sectors of the Institute. Dr. Anooshiravan Ansari, head of the Iranian National Broad Band Seismic Network described the specifications of IIEES-HAT sensors and their distinguished features in comparison with other similar models.
They also visited the Advanced Earthquake Engineering Laboratory at Sohanak, and it was decided to have joint projects considering IIEES potentialities in the field of dynamic experiments.
Tehran and Istanbul are both located in seismic active prone areas, thus there are many experiences and lessons to be exchanged in different fields of disaster management.