
Gathering, processing and interpretation of seismic data for recognition and determination of the crust and upper mantle velocity structure,  active faults, seismogenic zones and seismic source parameters in Iran, optimization of the velocity models for increasing the accuracy of earthquakes location, and finally the improvement in the accuracy of seismic hazard analysis in Iran.


  • Design and installation of temporary seismic networks for microseismicity and aftershock studies;
  • Comprehensive studies of the structure, deformation and anisotropy in the crust and upper mantle structure of the Iranian plateau;
  • Seismic study of active zones, determination of Iranian earthquake source parameters and separation of natural events from explosion by data processing of temporary and permanent seismic networks;
  • Improvement and development of different processing methods for increasing the accuracy and speed of detection, extraction, and reading the seismic phases through automatic methods;
  • Enhancement in the precision of Iranian earthquakes location and providing the accurate earthquakes catalog;
  • Determination of two and three dimensional wave propagation velocity models in the crust and upper mantle structure of the Iranian plateau;
  • Determination of the kinematic and dynamic parameters of the Iranian strong earthquakes, modeling the faults behavior with emphasis on advanced algorithms and temporary and permanent seismic network data in Iranian plateau;
  • Study of induced seismicity and different types of controlled seismic sources based on permanent and temporary online monitoring.
  • Preparation of the regional catalog and bulletins of Iranian earthquakes.