Ferdows Earthquake of 1 September 1968, Mw.6.4
The 31 August 1968 Mw7.1 Dasht-e Bayaz earthquake on the western segment of the Dasht-e Bayaz left-lateral strike-slip fault was followed 20h later by the 1 September 1968 Mw6.3 earthquake, and 3 days later by the second event of Mw5.5, with reverse fault focal mechanism in the Ferdows town region, about 70 km west of Dasht-e Bayaz. The first Ferdows earthquake almost totally destroyed the town of Ferdows (killing 750 out of 11,000 people) and ruined a number of villages that had been only slightly affected by the 31 August earthquake. The earthquake caused great damage at the extreme west part of the Dasht-e Bayaz meizoseismal area (Berberian, 2014).