The 23rd national “Earthquake and Safety” drill was held on Nov 29, 2021, announced by the earthquake siren, from the national radio across the country. This year drill is held in Badri Borhani girls’ high school in district 8 of Tehran with the presence of students, their families and the related officials. The students and teachers made correct sheltering and emergency evacuation with regard to health protocols in the school yard after hearing the earthquake siren. The trained student teams also performed search and rescue actions and mounting relief tents.

This year drill was held with the collaboration of  many organizations such as Ministry of Science, Research and Technology (International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology), Ministry of Education (Student Organization), Ministry of Interior (National Disaster Management Organization), Iranian Red Crescent Society (Youth Organization of Iranian Red Crescent and Relief and Rescue Organization), Tehran Municipality (Tehran Disaster Mitigation and Management Organization), and the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting.

Due to the spread of the Covid-19, the drill was held with the motto of “Earthquake preparedness in pandemic situation”. In parts of the country with less spread of corona virus, the drill was held with the presence of students and in other cities it was held virtually through Shad application (student’s educational network).