
Earthquake Report for November 27, 2005: West of Qeshm (Persian Gulf)

Earthquake Report for November 27, 2005: West of Qeshm (Persian Gulf)

At 13:52 (local time) an earthquake with ML=5.6 on the Richter scale occurred 44 km west of Qeshm in the Persian Gulf and 57 km southwest of Bandar Abbas. (Figure 1) The magnitude of this earthquake according to the body wave scale is estimated at Mb=6.2. This seismic event has been recorded at all 14 broad band seismic stations of the Iranian National Broad-Band Seismic Network (INSN) at IIEES (Figure 2). Waveforms of this earthquake can be downloaded from the IIEES website. According to the recorded seismograms, the location of this earthquake is at 26.87˚N and 55.83˚E. Having been recorded by the Iranian National Broad-Band Seismic Network (INSN) at IIEES, over 400 aftershocks have followed the main earthquake in this region with 36 aftershocks of magnitude greater than 2.5 (Figure 3 and Table 1). The biggest aftershock was of Mb=5.9 which occurred at 8 p.m. the same day. So far this earthquake has had 10 casualties and over 100 injured. The earthquake has destroyed 12 villages including Tonban, Ramekan, Gavarzin, Khaledin, Direstan, Kushe, Karavan, Turyan, Tom senati, Gorbehdan, Ziranag and Giahdan.


Figure (1): Epicenter of Nov. 27, 2005 West of Qeshm earthquake


Figure (2): Recorded seismograms of Qeshm Earthquake (Persian Gulf) by the Iranian National Broad-Band Seismic Network (INSN) of IIEES.


Table (1): Aftershocks of Qeshm Earthquake (Persian Gulf)


Date Time(UTC) Time(Local) Lat. Lon. Depth Mag. Region
11/29/2005 1:46:47 5:16:47 26.82 56.15 14 ML:3 South-West of Gheshm, Hormozgan Province
11/29/2005 0:28:42 3:58:42 26.83 55.79 18 ML:3 South-West of Gheshm, Hormozgan Province
11/28/2005 22:10:34 1:40:34 27.33 55.9 18 ML:2.5 North-West of Bandarabbas, Hormozgan Province
11/28/2005 21:43:50 1:13:50 26.74 55.93 15 ML:3.8 South-West of Gheshm, Hormozgan Province
11/28/2005 21:02:39 0:32:39 26.62 56.27 18 ML:3 South of Gheshm, Hormozgan Province
11/28/2005 20:19:38 23:49:38 27.39 56.11 18 ML:3 North-West of Bandarabbas, Hormozgan Province
11/28/2005 18:46:41 22:16:41 27.36 55.87 14 ML:3.1 North-West of Bandarabbas, Hormozgan Province
11/28/2005 17:15:33 20:45:33 27.4 55.8 14 ML:3.4 North-West of Bandarabbas, Hormozgan Province
11/28/2005 14:12:58 17:42:58 27.42 56.11 17 ML:3.6 North-West of Bandarabbas, Hormozgan Province
11/28/2005 14:07:01 17:37:01 26.93 55.7 14 ML:3.7 West of Gheshm, Hormozgan Province
11/28/2005 7:13:59 10:43:59 26.69 56.38 10 ML:2.6 South-East of Gheshm, Hormozgan Province
11/28/2005 5:39:57 9:09:57 26.31 56.44 14 ML:3.9 South-East of Gheshm, Hormozgan Province
11/28/2005 5:14:07 8:44:07 26.84 56.46 11 ML:2.6 South-East of Gheshm, Hormozgan Province
11/28/2005 4:51:13 8:21:13 26.47 56.55 14 ML:3.5 South-East of Gheshm, Hormozgan Province
11/28/2005 2:38:38 6:08:38 27.5 56.1 14 ML:3.1 North-West of Bandarabbas, Hormozgan Province
11/28/2005 2:30:14 6:00:14 27.41 55.78 14 ML:3.3 North-West of Bandarabbas, Hormozgan Province
11/28/2005 0:15:36 3:45:36 27.39 55.8 14 ML:2.7 North-West of Bandarabbas, Hormozgan Province
11/27/2005 23:26:05 2:56:05 26.76 55.87 18 ML:3.6 South-West of Gheshm, Hormozgan Province
11/27/2005 22:33:02 2:03:02 27.29 55.62 14 ML:3.2 North-West of Bandarabbas, Hormozgan Province
11/27/2005 21:30:55 1:00:55 27.28 55.85 14 ML:2.7 West of Bandarabbas, Hormozgan Province
11/27/2005 20:47:19 0:17:19 26.86 55.78 15 ML:4.2 West of Gheshm, Hormozgan Province
11/27/2005 20:29:23 23:59:23 26.61 56.06 14 ML:4.2 South-West of Gheshm, Hormozgan Province
11/27/2005 18:53:38 22:23:38 26.58 56.14 14 ML:3.5 South-West of Gheshm, Hormozgan Province
11/27/2005 18:48:34 22:18:34 26.44 56.03 14 ML:3.8 South-West of Gheshm, Hormozgan Province
11/27/2005 18:04:46 21:34:46 27.42 56.26 14 ML:3.3 North of Bandarabbas, Hormozgan Province
11/27/2005 16:54:20 20:24:20 27.38 55.88 14 ML:3.1 North-West of Bandarabbas, Hormozgan Province
11/27/2005 16:30:38 20:00:38 26.88 55.78 15 Mb:5.9 West of Gheshm, Hormozgan Province
11/27/2005 15:49:17 19:19:17 27.38 55.8 16 ML:3.1 North-West of Bandarabbas, Hormozgan Province
11/27/2005 15:29:08 18:59:08 27.17 56.01 14 ML:3.5 West of Bandarabbas, Hormozgan Province
11/27/2005 14:50:50 18:20:50 27.14 56.2 18 ML:3.8 Bandarabbas, Hormozgan Province
11/27/2005 13:49:25 17:19:25 27.34 56.43 15 ML:3.2 North-East of Bandarabbas, Hormozgan Province
11/27/2005 13:40:56 17:10:56 27.32 56.39 14 ML:3.6 North of Bandarabbas, Hormozgan Province
11/27/2005 13:05:35 16:35:35 27.1 56.47 14 ML:4 East of Bandarabbas, Hormozgan Province
11/27/2005 12:19:38 15:49:38 26.56 56.35 33 ML:3.7 South of Gheshm, Hormozgan Province
11/27/2005 12:05:37 15:35:37 26.82 55.81 15 ML:4.2 South-West of Gheshm, Hormozgan Province
11/27/2005 11:13:11 14:43:11 26.86 55.87 14 ML:4.7 West of Gheshm, Hormozgan Province
11/27/2005 10:22:19 13:52:19 26.86 55.83 10 Mb:6.2 West of Gheshm, Hormozgan Province



Figure (3): Distribution of aftershocks recorded until Nov. 29, 2005.


Analysis of Bandar Abbas region’s Seismicity.

Seismic analysis of the 52 km range of the earthquake shows over 80 earthquakes having occurred with a magnitude greater than 5 in the last 100 years, the biggest of which was the March 21, 1977 earthquake with Ms=6.9 in northern Bandar Abbas (Figure 4).

Analysis of focal mechanisms of the main earthquakes in the Bandar Abbas region are displayed in figure (5).

Geologically, the epicenter of the may shock is located at the farthest Northern plate of Saudi Arabia and southern border of Zagros deformation. Focal mechanism of the earthquake is thrusting. (Figure 6)



Figure (4): Instrumental earthquakes bigger than 5 in the region of Qeshm.


Figure (5): Focal mechanisms of the main earthquakes in the Bandar Abbas region.


Figure (6): Focal mechanisms of Qeshm Earthquake (Persian Gulf) determined by USGS and Harvard.


Figure (7): Satellite view of the region.


Figure (8): Satellite view of the earthquake epicenter.

Table (2): List of historical earthquakes in Qeshm Island.


IV+ 50 VI 5 55.8 26.8 1336 1
VII 10 VI+ 5.3 56.2 26.9 1361 2
IV+ 50 VI 5 55.8 26.8 1829 3
III 100 VI 5 55.3 26.7 03/–/1829 4
V 28 VI 5 56 26.9 05/19/1884 5
VII 28 VIII 6.4 56 26.9 01/10/1897 6
IV+ 50 VI 5 55.8 26.8 1897 7


Figure (9): Focal depth of historical earthquakes in Qeshm Island.

Prior to this date, the last earthquakes having occurred in this region go back to 2004 with magnitude of 2.6 and 3.2 and 2005 with magnitude of 3.6. Characteristics of these earthquakes are shown in Table (2) and their focal depths may be seen in Figure (7).


Table (3): Earthquakes occurring in Qeshm Island during the past 2 years.


(solar year)
Date (GMT)
Local Time Latitude Longitude Magnitude Location
1383/4/5 2004/06/25 19:19:56 23:49:56 26.85 55.89 3.2 Southwest  of Payposht
1383/5/7 2004/07/28 12:41:02 17:11:02 27.07 56.06 3.2 North of Darghahan
1383/7/26 2004/10/17 16:10:20 19:40:20 26.85 56.17 2.6 Southeast of Berke Khalaf
1384/3/22 2005/06/12 00:18:54 5:00:00 26.81 55.11 3.6 Northwest of Basaiedoo
(outside Qeshm island)


Figure (10): Focal depth of earthquakes occurring in Qeshm Island in the year 2004.

Вместо этого она сохранила свое обличье, но застыла на месте без движения.

Со времен нашей предыдущей встречи Ба Ва научился добродетели молчания.

Если я не ошибаюсь, вы сказали, что мы находимся возле лагеря франков.

Пожалуйста, Иоганн, постарайтесь.

Этот человек мне почему-то знаком.

сказал я дракону и выбрался из бутылки.

Закончив исследование, Вирджиния получила достаточно данных, подтверждающих ее первую гипотезу, и "Скачать стар варс старая республика"потому вернулась в центральную рощу.

Посему, потворствуя духу игр и развлечений, законодательная палата Калифорнии провело Закон от 2044 года о присуждении дела Актом рефери и референдума.

Моска на время оторвался от наблюдений и перевел взгляд на "Артист скачать фильм"горы, отчетливо видневшиеся в лучах утреннего солнца.

Какая ирония, отозвался Джорд, стягивая штаны и мундир с только что убитого стражника.

Теперь Шмирнов уже искренне забавлялся.

Да, но он мог видеть след от креста, который вы спороли с туники.

Четвертым шагом я "Десять секретов Здоровья"разнес в пыль скалу за его "Ужас глубин"спиной, а он в ответ обрушил на меня сверху лавину камней.

Ты "Книга смеха и забвения"хоть понимаешь, что тебе предлагают, жалкий "Артикуляционная гимнастика в стихах и картинках: Пособие для логопедов, воспитателей и родителей"ты.

Это порадовало Малакара, "География. 7 класс. Атлас"который решил, что раз она ненавидит всех тех людей, что "Собрание сочинений в одном томе"она знала, то ей легче быть друзьями "скачать игру кал дьюти"с чужестранцем.

Избежать недостатков системы не так трудно "Биология. Бактерии, грибы, растения. 5 класс. Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику Пасечника. Вертикаль. ФГОС"после всего происшедшего, информируют ее осведомители.

Иногда ему помогал вой "Завтрак у Тиффани"койотов.

Земли мертвых ответили ему гулким "Руслан и Людмила. В открытках"эхом и вздыбились под ним.