
1st International Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering

The Iranian Plateau is one of the seismically active areas of the world. Iran’s complex geography, the northeastern movements of the Afro-Arabian plate and the stationary Euroasian plate, and its location on the volatile Alpine-Himalaya seismic belt combine to produce a high level of tectonic activity. During the past century this area has experienced a number of highly destructive earthquakes among which were the quakes of Silakhor (1909), Salmas (1930), Torud (1935), Lar (1960), Buin Zahra (1962), Dasht-e-Bayaz (1968), Qir (1972), Tabas (1978), and the most recently the 1990 Gilan and Zangan earthquake.

The number of earthquakes, both small and large, that have occurred during this period worldwide remind us that the hazards of earthquake are both real and constantly with us. In view of the potential losses, both economic and human, it is imperative that all nations, especially those more prone to earthquakes such as Iran, continue to promote vigorous efforts toward mitigating present very high risk of earthquakes.

In light of the foregoing observations and the International Decade of Natural Hazard Reduction, the International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (IIEES), in conjunction with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESO) have organized the First International Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering in Iran. It is hoped that this is but the first of an ongoing series of conferences to be held in Iran. The purpose being to promote and advance scientific and engineering research in the area of seismology and earthquake engineering, as well as, developing and implementing safe and economic methods of earthquake resistant design and construction.

From the more than 400 abstracts received from 36 different countries, approximately 170 papers have been selected for presentation, discussion, poster sessions and publication in the proceedings of the Conference. The proceedings consist of three volumes, two in English and one in Farsi and English. The scope of the Conference is broad as reflected by the following topic areas covered in these proceedings:


  • Seismicity, Seismic Hazard and Risk Analysis
  • Dynamic Behavior of Soils and Foundation
  • Earthquake Engineering
  • Vulnerability and Safety
  • Risk Mitigation and Planning

We wish to take this opportunity to thank the many people who worked hard in preparing these proceedings and developing the program for the Conference. We are grateful to and would like to commend the authors of these papers whose contribution and information will contribute significantly toward a successful conference.

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Кроме того, тогда выбор был не таким уж и большим когда я предложил свои услуги.

Хью уронил голову на руки, и мощное рыдание "скачать вор игру"сотрясло все тело.

Ритуал обряда "Радость"посвящения может способствовать укреплению и упорядочиванию твоих способностей.

Что ж, вы сделали хороший выбор, сказал я ему.

Его визит, приход сводни, "взлом игры качок в контакте"похищение девушки все это будет сопоставлено и все "детские песни скачать комплекты"вместе отнесено на его счет.

Немедленно позовите к телефону Ванека!

Я смотрел, как она "Русский эрос Сборник" спокойно шла "Держись капитан" через ряды машин ко входу в иммиграционный отдел.

Один "Правь Амбером" из убитых "Мудрые сказки" вот здесь, в штате Юта оказался "Раскрась водой! Бегемотик" братом полицейского.

Пожалуйста, завтра утром первым делом сходите "Верность Отчизне Ищущий боя" в деревню "Нетронутая и неприрученная. Роман" и купите.

Нет, мисса, Плутон никогда "Общая психология" больше не будет моим другом.

Незнакомец "Монстры из хорошей семьи" попытался бодро улыбнуться.

В жизни каждого "На приеме у психолога. Проблема – одинокий родитель" мужчины наступает момент, когда он хотел бы оказаться Джеймсом Кегни.