Vol 7, No. 1- Spring 2005

Vol. 6, No. 2 – Summer 2004

Special Issue on Bam EarthquakeVolume 5: No. 4 (Winter 2004) – Volume 6: No. 1 (Spring 2004)

Editorial Summary: Bam Earthquake of 05:26:26 of 26 December 2003, Ms6.5
M. Ghafory-Ashtiany


The Magnitude Ms = 6.5 earthquake of 26th December 2003 occurred at early morning (05:26:26 local time) along Bam fault with no recorded of any major earthquake, at least, approximately in past 2500 years; and while many residents of the Bam historical city were still sleeping. The traditional mud-brick and clay homes put up little resistance to the violent shaking, and as walls and roofs crumbled and collapsed; more than 100,000 of victims were trapped beneath the rubble and from them around 26,500 lost their lives. Close to 11,000 of the city’s students perished, along with one to five of Bam’s 5,400 teachers. Tens of thousands were left homeless and up to 6,000 children were orphaned. Arg-e-Bam (Bam Citadel), the largest mud-brick complex in the world and other historical buildings were almost totally destroyed. Bam earthquake not only shook the heart and mind of the Iranian, but the world and created on the biggest human solidarity. This earthquake have created a new initiative in Iran’s risk reduction program and consequently provides a unique window of opportunity to raise international awareness of the importance of the effective implementation of a comprehensive earthquake risk reduction program in hazard-prone countries.


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Vol. 5, No. 3- Fall 2003

Vol. 5, No. 2- Summer 2003

Aftershock Analysis for the 1997 Ghaen-Birjand (Ardekul) Earthquake
Amir Mansour Farahbod, Conrad Lindholm, Mohammad Mokhtari, and Hilmar Bungum

In this study at the first step, the database of two temporary networks of International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (IIEES) and Institute of Geophysics of Tehran University (IGTU), which deployed independently after the Ghaen-Birjand earthquake, were merged. Based on the new database, focal mechanisms of some larger aftershocks were obtained and crustal model of eastern Iran [3] modified for the epicentral area of Ghaen-Birjand earthquake and its aftershocks. The Vp/Vs ratio is inferred as 1.85 for the region covered by the temporary seismic networks. After relocation of more than two hundred events, it was cleared that at least three of the largest aftershocks were estimated to be located with a precision corresponding to error ellipsoid axes within 5 to 10 km (Ground Truth level of 5 to 10).


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Vol. 5, No. 1- Spring 2003

Seismic Assessment of Evin-Valley Bridge by 3-D Inelastic Dynamic Analysis
Fakhredin Danesh and Iraj Rahimi


Major damage was observed mostly in the older bridge structures in the Northridge (1994), Kobe (1995) and Taiwan (1999) earthquakes. The most extensive damage included flexural/shear failure of substructure members and superstructure unseating at simple supports or expansion joints. In general, similar types of damages demonstrate a similar nature in view of the seismic behavior of older bridge design in all three earthquakes. As modern bridges have not been significantly affected during the recent ground motions, no reliable judgment could be made on the seismic performance of modern bridges structures.The seismic performance of Evin-Valley Bridge, a newly built slab-on-girder bridge is investigated analytically at the damage control limit state. A 3-D model of the bridge was built in DRAIN 3DX computer programme using a fiber-section beam-column element to represent inelastic behavior of RC substructure members. Elastomeric bearing pads, shear keys, expansion joints and the abutment backwalls were included in modeling of cyclic behavior of each component. The superstructure girder-beams were assumed to remain elastic and compressive elastic springs were used to represent the soil effect. A free vibration analysis of the multiple-part structure, assuming open gaps and expansion joints, showed the combined influence of a broad number of modes of vibration in dynamic response of the bridge. However, since the gaps are predicted to frequently close and reopen under earthquake forces, such results should not be relied on predicting of the seismic response. The results obtained from dynamic analyses using the Naghan (1977), the Northridge (1994) and the Kobe (1995) acceleration records show that the seismic demand values in the substructure elements are much less than the existing member capacities. The results also indicate that the dynamic response values are not comparable with the earthquake demands obtained from the equivalent static method and a large difference is observed between the results of two methods.


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Vol. 4, No. 2&3 – Summer & Fall 2002

Focal Depths of Moderate and Large Size Earthquakes in Iran
A. Maggi, K. Priestley, and J. Jackson


Accurate focal depth estimates are essential for the correct interpretation of seismicity data in terms of regional tectonics and earthquake hazard assessment. Published global earthquake catalogues are a common source of focal depth information, but how accurate are they? We compare estimates of focal depths from the Harvard CMT catalogue and the Engdahl et al [8] relocations of the ISC catalogue with those determined by teleseismic waveform inversion methods, and find that the catalogues can be in error by up to 60km.


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Vol. 4, No. 1- Spring 2002

Vol. 3, No. 1- Summer 2001

Deterministic Seismic Hazard Assessment for North Morocco
F. Vaccari, B. Tadili, A. El Qadi, M. Ramdani, L. Ait Brahim and M. Limouri


The purpose of this work is to evaluate the regional seismic hazard for Morocco, following the deterministic approach proposed by Costa et al [1], based on the computation of complete P-SV and SH synthetic seismograms. The input for the computations is represented by source and structural models. Seismic sources are parameterized using the knowledge about past seismicity and the tectonic regime. The regional structural model we adopted is the one proposed by Cherkaoui [2], modified in its shallower part to account for the effects of the uppermost sedimentary layers. Maps of peak acceleration, velocity, and displace-ments are used for the general representation of the hazard. Accelerations are in good agreement with the values determined by Jimenez et al [3] with the standard probabilistic approach.


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Vol. 2, No. 4- Fall 2000