The Van, Turkey Earthquake of 23 October 2011, Mw7.2: A Preliminary Report on the Reconnaissance Visit Preformed by IIEES Reconnaissance Team, November 17 to 21 2011

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The Van, Turkey Earthquake of 23 October 2011, Mw7.2: A Preliminary Report on the Reconnaissance Visit Preformed by IIEES Reconnaissance Team, November 17 to 21 2011

The Van, Turkey Earthquake of 23 October 2011, Mw7.2: A Preliminary Report on the Reconnaissance Visit Preformed by IIEES Reconnaissance Team, November 17 to 21 2011
Team members: Dr Mehdi ZARÉ, Dr Ebrahim HAGHSHENAS, Dr Morteza BASTAMI

IIEES, Tehran, Iran

Reported at: 27 November 2011.

1. Introduction

After the earthquake of 23 October 2011, Mw7.3 in Van, eastern Turkey, the International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (IIEES) according to his Learning From Earthquakes continuing Program, reconnaissance team has formed a team to perform the reconnaissance visit and start the technical observation on the event. The event has occurred about 150km west of the Khoy, West Azarbayjan Province of NW Iran, and the event was felt as well in the cities of NW Iran. The earthquake caused more than 600 life losses, according to official reports, and extensive damages in the cities of Van and Ercis in the Van province and the villages between the Van and Ercis, specially those located in the north of Van suffered from mainshock and aftershocks, specially the aftershock of wednesday 9 November 2011 (mb5.6). The extensive damages in the first event, has been intensified by the aftershocks and mainly the event in 9 November 2011, known by the local inhabitants as the “2nd earthquake” (since it was greatest damaging event after the first event in 23 October).



2. Visit Plan

The Visit was planned to cover the geological, geotechnical features (surface fault/fissures, landslides and lateral speadings, and investigating the possible source site effect), and building damages, failures in lifelines and special structures, as well as the social aspects and disaster management.

3. field observations:

  • Seismotectonic: The causative fault of the Van earthquake was a compressional fault, having a minor strike slip component. According to the field geological evidences, the fault has a dip direction towards north/northwest. Therefore the mechanism of mainshock was compressional with a minor strike slip component (to be right lateral) with a dip towards the north. There are the evidences of NNW-SSE source directivity effect, normal to the fault plan. The buildings in Van and Ercis has been mostly moved in this direction. The distribution of the aftershocks are mostly in the north of Van in the WSW-ENE direction mostly located around the villages of north Van (Alakoy and Tabanli and around). The surface fissures are distributed in the north of Van, mostly in the region between the Van Gulo (Lake) beach and the Ercek Gulo (Lake), passing from the north of the Van University Campus in east-west direction. There are not major fault scarpment but east-west directed compressional (and some strike-slip) fissures with appartures of 10 to 50cm, might be followed in an approximate length of 10km.
  • Surface fault rupture: In the north Van area between north Van, Van Eskekesi, Bardakci, Zeve, Topaktas, and Citoren up to Mullakasim is visted. The surface fissures are obvious around Zeve. There are some lateral spreadings and landslides around Topaktas. The fault surface ruptures are visible in the north of Bardakci towards the north of the Van university Campus (marking some surface displacements on the road and irrigation Channels). The Van Golu (lake) beach is visited in the morning of 20 Nov 2011, and a previous collapse of Sea Terras Clifs is visible, the collaps might be ancient (may be corresponding to shaking in 1664, 1935 (Van) or 1976 (Caldiran) earthquakes in this region. Afternoon visit was concentrated on the citadel of Van, dated by about 2500 years Go, having a hieroglyphic historical writing possibly relating to Sirous, the Great (dated about 500 B.C.). The citadel is renovated and partially reconstructed in 2010. The ancient city of Van in located in the south of the carbonate rock based Citadel, and evidently demolished. There is a wall in the east of the hill. There are some minor fissures on the walls of the citadel, due to the 23 oct 2011 Van earthquake.
  • Geotechnical aspects: The most important geotechnical aspect of the Van earthquake of 23 October 2011 was the site effect. The cities of Van and Ercis are located on the thick alluviums of the coasts of Van Lake and the visited damaged locations in these cities are assessed to be affected by a major soil amplification problem. The city of Ercis itself in the north of the Lake, in built on a loess terrace with an estimated thickness of 50 to 50 meters, and the major demolished buildings of 4 to 6 stories might be shacked with a long period motion of 0.3 to 0.6 sec.
  • In Van General Hospital: The Van Hospital Construction started in 2008 and started to work in the end of September 2011, one month before earthquake. The hospital is restarted to work 2 days after event (the staffs left the hospital and feared to comeback within 48 hours). There are actually 3 functioning hospitals in Van. 5 private hospitals were working in Van before earthquake. 15 engineers came to visit after the event. In the first day of earthquake about 1000 injured people referred to Van hospital and about 200 majorly injured people transferred to other cities by ambulances and air ambulances. 1st day there prepared they prepared a field hospital (Sahra hastanesi). After the 1st event they used the Sahra hastanesi (temporary field hospital). There are 700 beds about 50 ICU beds , 20 Hemodialise, 30 beds for burned peoples. The total death in hospital 35 peoples and some 100 might be passed away after being transfer to other cities. There was no damages to Gaz system, the electrical deficencies are reported. After the earthquake all electricity facilities stopped, but repaired just after. Communication facilities became one way after event.
  • In AFAD, Sivil Savuma (civil defense) Kriz Merkezi (Crisis Center), in Van, we are told that the total victims who are reported by hospital resources, are 644 people (477 in Ercis). 222 people are rescued (injured) from debris (by AFAD). The number of search abd rescue staff 476 team 3503 personals attended in the mainshock of 23 Oct 2011. In the second event (9 nov aftershock) 36 team and 896 personals had worked as search and rescue. The number of Tent was 71000 , installed. 128000 people used the food support from Kriz Merkezi. The government body to make search and rescue is Sivil Savuma and Kizilay (Red Crescent) is responsible for temporary settlement and first aids. There are some other minor (private) search and rescue bodies like ACUT. In villages, the major problem is breathing after the event but in modern buildings such problem was less. However the concrete structures have been demolished, suffered from a sandwich collapse, there left almost no or very few hope to rescue people from such total collapses.

Performance of buildings

  • RC buildings by 5-6 stories, among all other types, were suffered more damages.
  • Some buildings damaged and destruction caused by the strokes of adjoining structures, buildings must be detached from each other by a gap. Minimum gap between two adjacent buildings did not been considered.
  • The plan of the building should be simple in shape and be symmetrical along two orthogonal directions without much projection or setback. In addition, asymmetrical plan changes in the vertical configuration of buildings are to be avoided.
  • Heavy cantilevers damaged.
  • The dead load of the buildings was so much. Utilizing of high-strength structural materials by enough ductility and lightweight nonstructural materials to reduce the building weight is preferably recommended.
  • The most important problem in damaged buildings was lack of ductility. Building and its components should be designed to assure the appropriate ductility.
  • Mostly of buildings were those by moment resistance frame in that columns were failed. They should be designed such that vertical elements (columns) would fail later than beams.
  • Non-structural members, especially internal walls and facades suffered lots of damages. These elements are to be constructed such that they would produce as little disturbances as possible for the movement of structural members at the time of earthquake.
  • In basement floor of some buildings, there was short-column. Creating of short column especially in basement story shall be avoided.
  • Staircases of some RC buildings damaged severely. It shows we have to attend to design against earthquake loads.
  • A few buildings in Van City, e.g. Bairam Hotel, were collapsed in an aftershock by magnitude of 5.7.

4. Conclusion

The IIEES team has visited the during 5 full days the prone area of the Van earthquake of 23 October 2011, Mw7.2. The major points which have been focused by the IIEES team were surface fault ruptures, geotechnical failures and site effects, building and major facility collapses and disaster management. The major geological/geotechnical problems were directivity effects and soil amplifications, and major buildings which have been demolished are 4 to 6 stories. The debris of most of the demolished buildings in Van have been removed, but in Ercis, the debris of most of the demolished buildings have not been removed 1 month after the event and even the bad smell of death bodies (trapped under the debris) might be felt in different places in this city. The major causes of death casualties seems to be the strong shaking due to near field conditions to the source of this Mw7.2 earthquake, site conditions as well as construction deficiencies in 4 to 6 story building apartments.

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В будущем ты впитаешь в href=”” title=”Аудит финансовых вложений”>Аудит "Аудит финансовых результатов на предприятии"финансовых "Аудит финансовых результатов деятельности предприятия"title=”Аудит финансовых результатов”>Аудит "Аудит финансовых результатов ЗАО ‘АВТОЦЕНТР КрасГАЗсервис’"финансовых результатов"вложений"title=”Аудит финансовых вложений”>Аудит финансовых вложений"title=”Аудит финансовых вложений”>Аудит финансовых вложений"себя огонь Дайниха.

Думаю, я понимаю, сказал он в конце концов.

Если человека поражает молния, то ему конец.

Существует комплекс энергий, которыми каким-то образом наделены те картины Странтрианских божеств.

Он лизал Скалу-корабль языком памяти.

Однако они не будут расположены в каком-либо порядке, отнюдь нет.

Плантаторы и офицеры не могли скрыть своего крайнего удивления, услышав ответ Мориса.

Я-то думал, что это какой-нибудь приятель дона Амбросио.

Но если бы он "анна герман надежда скачать" не терял сознания, то был бы свидетелем еще более жуткого зрелища.

Правда, такое объяснение едва ли пришлось бы по душе ему самому и его "Скачать карты navteq 2012" спутникам.

Передо мной стояла очень трудная задача.

С минуту "покемон 2 сезон скачать торрентъ" я стоял, размышляя о том, что же нам предпринять.

Все, что здесь совершается, дело сил Тьмы, и противная сторона не вправе вмешиваться в наши действия.

Помнится, тогда в саду ты сказала, что Уильям был предметом твоих девичьих грез.

При виде ее рыжих волос и полуулыбки он на миг от "скачать песню белого дня" неожиданности чуть не поверил.

Пленку привез с аэродрома мотоциклист, он остался дожидаться конца проявки.

В угасающем вечернем свете вокруг "скачать песню ирины круг тебе моя последня любовь" ее слабых щиколоток закружились радуги.

И тогда Хью представилось, что нет нужды возвращаться в тот мир, который он знал; что можно остаться в этом тихом белом безмолвии и познать истинный покой; что он находится в одном из тех духовных мест, о которых иногда рассказывают индейцы.


Shakemaps of the Van, Turkey 2011 earthquake

The production of estimated maps of shaking after an earthquake, such as ShakeMap (Wald et al. 1999), offers an important seismological tool to guide emergency response and loss estimation for public information through emergency response networks, the Internet, and the media.
Figure 1 shows a ShakeMap based on magnitude and epicenter. The data used to produce the ShakeMap are collected by nine strong motion records around the epicenter which have located in Iran and are improved with felt intensity data of 10 places. The PGA and PGV ShakeMaps generated by IIEES are shown in Figures 2 and 3.The average value and the corresponding letter grade is displayed on the bottom left of the uncertainty map (Figure 4).

Figure 1. ShakeMap for the Van, Turkey 2011 earthquake (The instrumental intensity map).

Figure 2. ShakeMap for the Van, Turkey 2011 earthquake ( PGA ShakeMap)

Figure 3. ShakeMap for the Van, Turkey 2011 earthquake (PGV ShakeMap)

Figure 4. ShakeMap for the Van, Turkey 2011 earthquake (uncertainty map)


Вам остается ""только признаться, в каком трактире вы это говорили, какого полка были те солдаты, что вас слушали, и когда это "Скачать приглашение на свадьбу"произошло.

Потерпите минуту и тогда говорите, что вам вздумается.

Третья точка изобилие растительных и животных форм.

Даже одинаковые ""виды в двух разных реках не всегда абсолютно похожи друг на друга.

До меня долетали лишь отдельные слова.

Взбирайся на скамью и посмотри в окошко.

Заверни его, пожалуйста, в полотенце.

Мейтланд растер руки и грудь, стараясь унять дрожь.

Наверно, просто полтергейст, разочарованно отмахнулась миссис Спотсворт.

Сердце его всколыхнулось, когда он прочел вдохновение на сияющем лице.

Он висел головой вниз, подобно выброшенной на помойку кукле.

Ну, я как раз собиралась закрывать.


Van , Turkey Earthquake, Mw7.2, 23 October 2011.: IIEES Observations

زلزله مخرب با بزرگای 7.3 وان (تابانلی) ترکیه : 23 اکتبر 2011 – اول آبانماه 1390

The production of estimated maps of shaking after an earthquake, such as ShakeMap (Wald et al. 1999), offers an important seismological tool to guide emergency response and loss estimation for public information through emergency response networks, the Internet, and the media.
Figure 1 shows a ShakeMap based on magnitude and epicenter. The data used to produce the ShakeMap are collected by nine strong motion records around the epicenter which have located in Iran and are improved with felt intensity data of 10 places. The PGA and PGV ShakeMaps generated by IIEES are shown in Figures 2 and 3.The average value and the corresponding letter grade is displayed on the bottom left of the uncertainty map (Figure 4).

Figure 1. ShakeMap for the Van, Turkey 2011 earthquake (The instrumental intensity map).

Figure 2. ShakeMap for the Van, Turkey 2011 earthquake ( PGA ShakeMap)

Figure 3. ShakeMap for the Van, Turkey 2011 earthquake (PGV ShakeMap)

Figure 4. ShakeMap for the Van, Turkey 2011 earthquake (uncertainty map)



مولفه قائم لرزه نگاشتهای ثبت شده در شبکه ملی لرزه نگاری باند پهن پژوهشگاه از زمین لرزه 23/10/2011 وان (تابانلی) ترکیه



مولفه قائم داده های دریافتی از طریق نرم افزار  Scream در شبکه ملی لرزه نگاری باند پهن پژوهشگاه از زمین لرزه 23/10/2011 وان (تابانلی) ترکیه

دکتر مهدی زارع
دانشیار زلزله شناسی مهندسی و معاون پژوهشی و فناوری


  1. زلزله 23 اکتبر 2011 (اول آبانماه 90) در ساعت 13:41 به وقت محلی (14:11 به وقت تهران) در شمال شرق شهر وان ترکیه – در پهنه شرقی دریاچه وان و در حد فاصل دریاچه وان و مرز ایران – در پهنه ای بسیار لرزه خیز به لحاظ آمار رخداد زلزله ها روی داد. این ناحیه با تلاقی گسلهای ناحیه شرق ترکیه با شمال غربی ایران و جنوب غربی قفقار پهنه ای است که در آن زلزله های مهم تاریخی و سده بیستم رخ داده است.
  2. در نزدیکی پهنه رومرکزی این زلزله ، زلزله 24 نوامبر 1976 با بزرگای 7.3-سی و پنج سال قبل- با پنج هزار نفر کشته، مهمترین زلزله در سده اخیر محسوب می شود که در آن زلزله نیز علاوه بر خسارت سنگین در ترکیه به ویژه شهر چالدران، خسارتهایی در ایران، به ویژه به شهر های سیه چشمه و خوی و روستا های اطراف وارد شد.
  3. زلزله وان (تامانلی) در تمامی بیست و چهار ایستگاه شبکه لرزه نگاری باند پهن پژوهشگاه بین المللی زلزله شناسی و مهندسی زلزله با کیفیت بالا ثبت شد که پژوهشهای اولیه بر روی این رکورد ها در جریان است. ضمنا گزارش های اولیه حاکی است که حداقل سه ایستگاه شتابنگاری (در شبکه ملی شتابنگاری ایران زیر نظر مرکز تحقیقات ساختمان و مسکن) نیز در ناحیه سیه چشمه و خوی شتابنگاشتهای این زلزله را (با شتاب حداکثر 0.02 g )ثبت کرده اند.
  4. منطقه ای که این زلزله در آن رخ داد ناحیه ای است که گسلهای فعال به موازات سامانه گسلی آناتولی شمالی (با روند شمالغرب-جنوب شرق) از نزدیکی آن عبور می کنند. اطلاعات اولیه نشان می دهد که یکی از گسلهای مرتبط با سامانه گسله اناتولی شمالی مسبب این رویداد بوده است.
  5. کانون زلزله در نزدیکی روستای تامانلی قرار داشت. ژرفای اولیه 8 کیلومتر براورد شده و شهر های دیاربکر، آگری، ارزروم، و موش در ترکیه و شهر های سیه چشمه و خوی و ماکو در ایران به شدت این زلزله را احساس کردند.
  6. این زلزله در یک ساعت و نیم اول با چهار پسلرزه با بزرگای بیش از 4 همراه بود که بزرگترین آنها تا زمان نگارش این گزارش 15 دقیقه پس از رخداد لرزه اصلی با بزرگای 5.6 اتفاق افتاد.
  7. زلزله وان با فروریختن ساختمانهای متعددی در شهر وان و روستاهای استان وان -به ویژه تابانلی- همراه بوده است. فروریختن یک ساختمان 7 طبقه در منطقه ای از شهر وان که در آن مجتمع های مسکونی – ارزان قیمت – متمرکز بودند، موجب اعزام نیروهای امدادی و البته تمرکز توجه رسانه های بین المللی -صوتی و تصویری و وب- به این ساختمان فروریخته شد. براورد می شود که این زلزله با چند هزار نفر کشته همراه باشد. در دو ساعت اول بعد از رخداد، تعداد تلفات بیش از 1000 نفر براورد شده است.
  8. از نظر گزارش رخداد زلزله نیز تمامی شبکه های جهانی لرزه نگاری از همان دقایق اولیه بزرگای زلزله را به صورت اولیه 7.3 (در مقیاس بزگای گشتاوریMw) براورد وگزارش کردند: به ویژه مرکز ملی اطلاعات زلزله آمریکا (NEIC) و مرکز زلزله شناسی اروپا-مدیترانه (CSEM) در حدود 20 دقیقه پس از رخداد چنین اطلاعاتی را روی وب سایت خود گزارش کردند و نگارنده نیز خبر و اطلاعات اولیه رخداد را با پیامک -اس.ام.اس.- از مرکز اطلاع رسانی سریع مدیریت بحران سوییس (GDACS) در حدود 25 دقیقه پس از رخداد روی گوشی تلفن همراه خود در تهران (با اعلام بزرگای 7.3) دریافت نمود. رصدخانه کاندیلی در استانبول، وابسته به دانشگاه بوغازیچی ترکیه در ساعات اولیه پس از رخداد زلزله بزرگای در مقیاس امواج درونی mb را 6.6 اعلام کرد، که تا حدود دوساعت پس از وقوع رخداد نیز زسانه های ترکیه و هلال احمر ترکیه بزرگای 6.6 را به عنوان بزرگای زلزله اعلام و تکرار می کردند. البته رییس رصدخانه کاندیلی، جناب پروفسور مصطفی اردیک در مصاحبه ای بزرگای زلزله را اصلاح کرده و – به درستی – توضیح داد که به دلیل محدودیت بزرگای در مقیاس امواج درونی -mb- و اشباع شدن آن، امکان گزارش دقیق نبوده و بنابراین مقدار بزرگای به 7.2 اصلاح و اعلام شد.
  9. زلزله وان هشداری مهم برای وقوع اتفاقی مشابه با بزرگای بیش از 7.0 در فلات ایران است که اکنون 14 سال و شش ماه است که پس از رخداد زلزله 20 اردیبهشت 1376 اردکول قائن با بزرگای 7.2، سکوتی لرزه ای نسبتا طولانی (نسبت به وقوع زلزله ای با بزرگای بیش از 7) در آن برقرار شده است. این در حالی است که فلات ایران به لحاظ آماری به طور متوسط هر 10 سال یک یا دو زلزله با بزرگای بیش از 7 در پنجاه سال اخیر تجربه کرده است. زلزله وان زنگ خطر مهم دیگر در کنار مرزهایمان است.

Без всяких указаний Иванович расположил своих людей около дома старика.

Ну, отвечайте же, или я выстрелю!

спросил я, выглядывая с веранды.

Где-то сзади мигнул диапроектор, и на экране появилось изображение обнаженный по пояс мускулистый человек, черные волосы стянуты на затылке резинкой, в руках базука.

Я полагаю, товарищ фельдмаршал, что Сан-Гаута бедная страна, а большинство американцев часы носят.

Скажите ему, чтобы не дергался, сказала Беатрис.

Я здесь, генерал, весело сказал он, и бой почти выигран.

Голова у нее кружилась от "Сладости ада или Роман обманутой женщины" непривычного способа передвижения, и она чуть не прозевала грот.

Я имею в виду твою жену Елену,-ответила Алекто.

Их мужчины неженки и не отличаются силой.

Не вижу смысла залезать в грязь, если можно рассмотреть его отсюда.

Город больше не имел сходства с тем, что он видел в первую ночь с вершины холма, когда его намерения были так отличны.