Geotechnical Engineering Research Center was established to provide high quality engineering knowledge in the fields of Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics. The majority of its activities covers theoretical and experimental soil mechanics, engineering geology (including planning for urban and rural areas development considering geological hazards potential ), engineering geophysics, soil-structure interaction, seismic site response analysis and seismic geotechnical hazard assessment (landslides and liquefaction).
Some of the main activities of this center are outlined as follows:

  • Theoretical, analytical, numerical and experimental comprehensive studies in different fields of geotechnical earthquake engineering- including site effects, liquefaction, soil-structure interaction, landslideس, surface fault rupturing, zonation and microzonation;
  • Theoretical studies in various fundamental fields of geotechnics such as constitutive modeling of soil behavior, mechanics of porous media and limit state analysis of stability issues with the main objectives of innovation and development in analytical and designing methods of soil mechanics and foundation engineering emphasizing on dynamic loadings;
  • Evaluation of the dynamic behavior and seismic bearing capacities of shallow and deep foundations and retaining walls.

Geotechnical Engineering Research Center has organized its activities in three departments: