IIEES International Collaboration (1990-2018) Sort by descending date                                                            Edition  31 March 2019

No. Country Institute Kind of Collaboration Date Scope & Purpose
1 International UNESCO MOU 1990 DR/250, Establishment Of The IIEES
2 Yugoslavia Cyril and Methodius (IZIIS) MOU 1990 Use the experience & expertise of a sister institute, seminar & conferences
3 Italy The Istituto Nazionale Di Geofisica (ING( MOU 1991 Agree to develop scientific and technical cooperation in the Geophysical field
4 Azerbaijan Azerbaijan National Committee of Geophysics (ANCG) MOU 1994 Joint research activity, publication, library service
5 Armenia Institute of Geological Sciences, National Academy of Sciences MOU 1996 Studies in a seismic hazard assessment
6 Japan Research Center for Urban Safety and Security (RCUSS) MOU 1998 Exchange of research information, publication, workshops
7 Armenia National Survey for Seismic Protection (NSSP) MOU 1999 Earthquake risk reduction, exchange of information, workshops
8 Russia United Institute of the Earth Russian Academy of Sciences MOU 1999 Earthquake sources in Caspian

area & long-term prediction of earthquakes

9 Japan Kobe University MOU 2000 Workshop on earthquake engineering & disaster mitigation
10 Armenia The Government of the Republic of Armenia MOU 2001 Characterized by high seismicity & strong earthquakes in both countries
11 International UNEP (United Nations Environment Program) MOU 2001 Implementation of the apple process for earthquake risk reduction, mitigation and preparedness
12 Norway NORSAR MOU 2002 Courses & lectures, exchange of seismic data and software
13 International UNESCO – (TWAS) MOU 2002 Provide a wider geographical distribution of centers
14 Cuba National Center for Seismological Research (CENAIS) MOU 2002 Data exchange, training programs or workshops, public education & awareness program
15 International Asian Seismological Commission (ASC), Association of the Academies of Sciences in Asia (AASA) MOU 2003 Seismic data exchange, increasing the training education
16 Armenia National Survey for Seismic Protection of Armenia (NSSP) MOU 2003 Investigation structure & recent tectonic of the Sabalan block
17 Jordan Royal Scientific Society (RSS) MOU 2003 Exchange of scientific & technical information, training
18 Jordan Natural Resource Authority (NRA) MOU 2003 Educational  exchanges, public education & awareness program
19 Italy The Abdu Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) Agreement 2004 Sharing experience, joint research & educational activities
20 France Le’ Centre National De’  La Recherché Scientifique (CNRS) MOU 2004 Research cooperation, training cooperation, exchange of scientist & student
21 France Le’ Centre National De’ La Recherché Scientifique (CNRS) MOU 2004 Continental tectonic of Iran, seismicity, risk of earthquake & geotechnical
22 Italy Italian workshop Group in Seismic Isolation (GLIS), ACAI_ACEDIS, ASSISi MOU 2004 Development & application of seismic isolation & energy dissipation in Iran
23 International Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) MOU 2004 Capacity to promote disaster risk awareness, exchange & sharing of knowledge, exchange of personnel
24 Italy The Universita Degli Studi Mediterranea MOU 2005 Post-graduate study, organization of meetings, exchange of documents, publication
25 Russia Russian Academy of Sciences MOU 2005 Geophysical multidiscipline monitoring, test site for prediction of seismotectonic events, organization of joint workshops, cooperation in PhD. programs
26 China China Earthquake Administration (CEA) MOU 2006 Exchange of scholars, joint research, exchange of publication
27 International UNESCO – (TWAS) MOU 2006 Visits awarded under the scheme, provide the researchers with travel support
28 France UNESCO Agreement 2006 Training course, workshop, coordinate with UTCO the publication of the training material
29 Switzerland The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation- Swiss Cooperation Office Iran Agreement 2006 Book translation
30 International World Bank Loan  No.4697-IRN Agreement 2007 Local disaster management assessment and implementation strategy -earthquake emergency reconstruction project (EERP)
31 Syria Higher Institute of Earthquake Studies and Research (HIERS) Agreement 2008 Msc. courses in geotechnical earthquake engineering
32 Syria Damascus University Agreement 2009 Co- supervising the PhD student, Mrs. Fadwa Issa
33 Russia All Russian Research Institute of Exploration Geophysics MOU 2009 Supervising joint PhD students, joint projects on earthquake prediction technique, publish research & scientific articles, exchange necessary information
34 Italy The Abdu Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) MOU 2009 Workshops & conferences, postdoctoral fellowship,
35 Syria Higher Institute of Earthquake Studies and Research (HIERS) Agreement 2009 Msc. Courses In Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
36 Syria Higher Institute of Earthquake Studies and Research (HIESR) MOU 2010 Designing Master programs, hold specialized educational short-term courses, exchange visits of experts, exchange literature publications, exchange information
37 Switzerland Earthquake Model of the Middle East Region (EMME) Agreement 2011 Earthquake Model of the Middle East Region (EMME)
38 International UNDP Agreement 2012 Seismic report
39 International EBSCO MOU 2012 Index of JSEE in EBSCO
40 England The Cambridge Architectural Research Ltd. Cambridge (CAR) MOU 2014 Research projects, scientific cooperation in earthquake risk mitigation & management, workshops, exchange faculties
41 Philippines Earthquake and Megacities Initiative (EMI) MOU 2014 Cooperation in the ‘seventh international conference of seismology & earthquake engineering (see7)
42 International UNESCO MOU 2013 Collaboration in training & research, conferences, workshop
43 Norway NORSAR MOU 2014 A framework of cooperation in conducting research and implementing projects on seismology , earthquake, engineering and earthquake risk mitigation and participate in see7
44 Italy The  Universita Degli Studi  Di Trieste MOU 2015 Invitation to scientists for scientific research & cultural cooperation, scientific & educational exchanges of informational
45 Portugal Institute Portuguese Do Mareda Atmosphere (IPMA) MOU 2015 Cooperation in conducting researches & implementing projects on  seismology & tsunami/ earthquake study & risk mitigation
46 Germany Helmholtz Center Potsdam  GFZ German Research Center for Geoscience MOU 2015 Joint research project, training/exchange of scientists, exchange scientific & educational data, scientific workshops, meeting, seminars
47 Italy European Center for Training and Research in Earthquake Engineering (EUCENTER) MOU 2015 Training and exchange of scientist, exchange of scientific and educational materials and data
48 France University of Napoli Federico II MOU 2016 Exchange of scientists and specialist- exchange of graduate and post-graduate students- joint Organization of meeting, workshop- development of joint project of mutually agreed.
49 International HIRUN international company-Daneshmand Research and Development Institute (DRDI)-RAMAN construction company (Islamic Revolution Mostazafan Foundation) IRMF MOU 2016 Establishment of production line of HIRUN products in Iran- transfer of technology-provide HIRUN experts for the educational, promotional and exhibition programs
50 Japan The Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI) MOU 2016 Joint research projects and collaboration  on research activities- training and exchange of scientists-exchange of scientific and educational materials and data-organization of joint reconnaissance team to visit earthquake –affected areas
51 Italy GEM Foundation MOU 2016 Joint research projects and collaboration on research activities-training and exchange of scientists-exchange of scientific and educational materials and data-joint organization of scientific workshop, seminars and educational courses
52 International EBSCO 2017 IIEES BESE quarterly in electronic web EBSCO
53 Italy The Department of Physics, Naples, Italy MOU 2017 Joint research projects and collaboration on research activities- conferences and exchange of scientists-students
54 Poland Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences MOU 2018 Joint research projects and collaboration on geological data- training of PhD students on seismicity of Makran
55 Japan National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience (NIED) MOU 2018 Cooperation in conducting joint projects and holding conferences and workshops as well as exchange of students