IIEES International Collaboration (1990-2018) Sort by descending date Edition 31 March 2019
No. | Country | Institute | Kind of Collaboration | Date | Scope & Purpose |
1 | International | UNESCO | MOU | 1990 | DR/250, Establishment Of The IIEES |
2 | Yugoslavia | Cyril and Methodius (IZIIS) | MOU | 1990 | Use the experience & expertise of a sister institute, seminar & conferences |
3 | Italy | The Istituto Nazionale Di Geofisica (ING( | MOU | 1991 | Agree to develop scientific and technical cooperation in the Geophysical field |
4 | Azerbaijan | Azerbaijan National Committee of Geophysics (ANCG) | MOU | 1994 | Joint research activity, publication, library service |
5 | Armenia | Institute of Geological Sciences, National Academy of Sciences | MOU | 1996 | Studies in a seismic hazard assessment |
6 | Japan | Research Center for Urban Safety and Security (RCUSS) | MOU | 1998 | Exchange of research information, publication, workshops |
7 | Armenia | National Survey for Seismic Protection (NSSP) | MOU | 1999 | Earthquake risk reduction, exchange of information, workshops |
8 | Russia | United Institute of the Earth Russian Academy of Sciences | MOU | 1999 | Earthquake sources in Caspian
area & long-term prediction of earthquakes |
9 | Japan | Kobe University | MOU | 2000 | Workshop on earthquake engineering & disaster mitigation |
10 | Armenia | The Government of the Republic of Armenia | MOU | 2001 | Characterized by high seismicity & strong earthquakes in both countries |
11 | International | UNEP (United Nations Environment Program) | MOU | 2001 | Implementation of the apple process for earthquake risk reduction, mitigation and preparedness |
12 | Norway | NORSAR | MOU | 2002 | Courses & lectures, exchange of seismic data and software |
13 | International | UNESCO – (TWAS) | MOU | 2002 | Provide a wider geographical distribution of centers |
14 | Cuba | National Center for Seismological Research (CENAIS) | MOU | 2002 | Data exchange, training programs or workshops, public education & awareness program |
15 | International | Asian Seismological Commission (ASC), Association of the Academies of Sciences in Asia (AASA) | MOU | 2003 | Seismic data exchange, increasing the training education |
16 | Armenia | National Survey for Seismic Protection of Armenia (NSSP) | MOU | 2003 | Investigation structure & recent tectonic of the Sabalan block |
17 | Jordan | Royal Scientific Society (RSS) | MOU | 2003 | Exchange of scientific & technical information, training |
18 | Jordan | Natural Resource Authority (NRA) | MOU | 2003 | Educational exchanges, public education & awareness program |
19 | Italy | The Abdu Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) | Agreement | 2004 | Sharing experience, joint research & educational activities |
20 | France | Le’ Centre National De’ La Recherché Scientifique (CNRS) | MOU | 2004 | Research cooperation, training cooperation, exchange of scientist & student |
21 | France | Le’ Centre National De’ La Recherché Scientifique (CNRS) | MOU | 2004 | Continental tectonic of Iran, seismicity, risk of earthquake & geotechnical |
22 | Italy | Italian workshop Group in Seismic Isolation (GLIS), ACAI_ACEDIS, ASSISi | MOU | 2004 | Development & application of seismic isolation & energy dissipation in Iran |
23 | International | Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) | MOU | 2004 | Capacity to promote disaster risk awareness, exchange & sharing of knowledge, exchange of personnel |
24 | Italy | The Universita Degli Studi Mediterranea | MOU | 2005 | Post-graduate study, organization of meetings, exchange of documents, publication |
25 | Russia | Russian Academy of Sciences | MOU | 2005 | Geophysical multidiscipline monitoring, test site for prediction of seismotectonic events, organization of joint workshops, cooperation in PhD. programs |
26 | China | China Earthquake Administration (CEA) | MOU | 2006 | Exchange of scholars, joint research, exchange of publication |
27 | International | UNESCO – (TWAS) | MOU | 2006 | Visits awarded under the scheme, provide the researchers with travel support |
28 | France | UNESCO | Agreement | 2006 | Training course, workshop, coordinate with UTCO the publication of the training material |
29 | Switzerland | The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation- Swiss Cooperation Office Iran | Agreement | 2006 | Book translation |
30 | International | World Bank Loan No.4697-IRN | Agreement | 2007 | Local disaster management assessment and implementation strategy -earthquake emergency reconstruction project (EERP) |
31 | Syria | Higher Institute of Earthquake Studies and Research (HIERS) | Agreement | 2008 | Msc. courses in geotechnical earthquake engineering |
32 | Syria | Damascus University | Agreement | 2009 | Co- supervising the PhD student, Mrs. Fadwa Issa |
33 | Russia | All Russian Research Institute of Exploration Geophysics | MOU | 2009 | Supervising joint PhD students, joint projects on earthquake prediction technique, publish research & scientific articles, exchange necessary information |
34 | Italy | The Abdu Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) | MOU | 2009 | Workshops & conferences, postdoctoral fellowship, |
35 | Syria | Higher Institute of Earthquake Studies and Research (HIERS) | Agreement | 2009 | Msc. Courses In Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering |
36 | Syria | Higher Institute of Earthquake Studies and Research (HIESR) | MOU | 2010 | Designing Master programs, hold specialized educational short-term courses, exchange visits of experts, exchange literature publications, exchange information |
37 | Switzerland | Earthquake Model of the Middle East Region (EMME) | Agreement | 2011 | Earthquake Model of the Middle East Region (EMME) |
38 | International | UNDP | Agreement | 2012 | Seismic report |
39 | International | EBSCO | MOU | 2012 | Index of JSEE in EBSCO |
40 | England | The Cambridge Architectural Research Ltd. Cambridge (CAR) | MOU | 2014 | Research projects, scientific cooperation in earthquake risk mitigation & management, workshops, exchange faculties |
41 | Philippines | Earthquake and Megacities Initiative (EMI) | MOU | 2014 | Cooperation in the ‘seventh international conference of seismology & earthquake engineering (see7) |
42 | International | UNESCO | MOU | 2013 | Collaboration in training & research, conferences, workshop |
43 | Norway | NORSAR | MOU | 2014 | A framework of cooperation in conducting research and implementing projects on seismology , earthquake, engineering and earthquake risk mitigation and participate in see7 |
44 | Italy | The Universita Degli Studi Di Trieste | MOU | 2015 | Invitation to scientists for scientific research & cultural cooperation, scientific & educational exchanges of informational |
45 | Portugal | Institute Portuguese Do Mareda Atmosphere (IPMA) | MOU | 2015 | Cooperation in conducting researches & implementing projects on seismology & tsunami/ earthquake study & risk mitigation |
46 | Germany | Helmholtz Center Potsdam GFZ German Research Center for Geoscience | MOU | 2015 | Joint research project, training/exchange of scientists, exchange scientific & educational data, scientific workshops, meeting, seminars |
47 | Italy | European Center for Training and Research in Earthquake Engineering (EUCENTER) | MOU | 2015 | Training and exchange of scientist, exchange of scientific and educational materials and data |
48 | France | University of Napoli Federico II | MOU | 2016 | Exchange of scientists and specialist- exchange of graduate and post-graduate students- joint Organization of meeting, workshop- development of joint project of mutually agreed. |
49 | International | HIRUN international company-Daneshmand Research and Development Institute (DRDI)-RAMAN construction company (Islamic Revolution Mostazafan Foundation) IRMF | MOU | 2016 | Establishment of production line of HIRUN products in Iran- transfer of technology-provide HIRUN experts for the educational, promotional and exhibition programs |
50 | Japan | The Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI) | MOU | 2016 | Joint research projects and collaboration on research activities- training and exchange of scientists-exchange of scientific and educational materials and data-organization of joint reconnaissance team to visit earthquake –affected areas |
51 | Italy | GEM Foundation | MOU | 2016 | Joint research projects and collaboration on research activities-training and exchange of scientists-exchange of scientific and educational materials and data-joint organization of scientific workshop, seminars and educational courses |
52 | International | EBSCO | – | 2017 | IIEES BESE quarterly in electronic web EBSCO |
53 | Italy | The Department of Physics, Naples, Italy | MOU | 2017 | Joint research projects and collaboration on research activities- conferences and exchange of scientists-students |
54 | Poland | Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences | MOU | 2018 | Joint research projects and collaboration on geological data- training of PhD students on seismicity of Makran |
55 | Japan | National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience (NIED) | MOU | 2018 | Cooperation in conducting joint projects and holding conferences and workshops as well as exchange of students |