- Acquisition, storage, organizing and dissemination of information related to specialized sources in the fields of Earthquake, Structure, Geotechnic, Geology and other areas related to IIEES activities in the form of books, journals, reports, theses, research papers, CDs, E-books, maps and aerial photographs;
- Access to bibliographic information of the collected resources through the library software;
- Collecting, storage and dissemination-of information on technical reports relevant to industry, research plans, ordered papers, etc.;
- Collecting, storage and dissemination of information about the resources published by IIEES and offering related services to the researchers;
- Providing E-services through on-line databases such as EBSCO, ASCE, GeoRef, etc.;
- Providing reference and loan services to IIEES faculties, students and researchers and all members of “Ghadir group” (inter-library loan services).