Increasing earthquake risk due to high hazard, Vulnerable Structures as well as population growth and rapid expansion of cities requires substantial efforts for earthquake risk reduction and control. Improvement of global safety against earthquakes requires international cooperation among the scientists, engineers, decision-makers and public as well as scientific exchange between various expertises in this field.
To promote these objectives, the International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (IIEES), being located in one of the well-known seismically active regions of the world (a natural geological and seismological laboratory) have organized the Fourth International Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering (SEE4) in Iran. The specific aim of this conference is to bring the scientists and engineers from all around the world together to present and discuss various aspects of seismology and earthquake engineering addressing the recent advances on broad range of disciplines namely: Seismotectonics, seismology, planetary monitoring, soils and foundation engineering, structural engineering, urban and regional planning, socio-economic issues, public awareness and risk management.
In this conference, from 494 abstracts received from 34 countries, 324 abstracts were accepted. Finally 241 full papers have been accepted for publication in the conference proceedings, which is consisting of 149 papers in English and 92 papers in Farsi.
We would like to take this opportunity and thank our respected Keynote and State-of-the art lecturers for their kind contribution as well as the authors of the excellent papers whose contribution added to the enhancement of this conference. We also thank the IIEES faculty, scientific advisors and co-sponsors who have contributed toward the successful organization of the SEE4 Conference.
Mohsen Ghafory-Ashtiany
Conference Chairman
IIEES President
Mohammad Mokhtari
Conference Coordinator
Director of IIEES Seismology Division
Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, 2003