During past decades, human and economic losses due to occurrences of the destructive earthquakes (i.e. Bam, Iran, 2003; Port-au-Prince, Haiti, 2010 and Tohoku, Japan, 2011) have highlighted the necessity for integrative and effective implementation of the earthquake risk reduction and management plans; as well as the importance of investment on urban resilience. This issue has been considered in most of the recent global strategies in disaster risk reduction and has been reflected in U -ISDR global plans, as well as many other international documents such a Hyogo Framework of Action (HFA) and recently Sendai Framework for DRR. Accordingly, the 7th International Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering (SEE7) intends to address the “Urban Earthquake Risk Management and Resilience”.

The two volumes of SEE7 Abstract Proceedings include the extended abstracts of the accepted papers in the conference in the field of seismology, geotechnical earthquake engineering, structural earthquake engineering and earthquake risk management, from about 40 countries. We do believe this proceeding can serve as a reference for the engineers, students, researchers, seismologists, disaster management practitioners, public and private contractors and scientists and all those involved in the areas related to earthquake related issues. The extended abstracts presented in these two volumes are prepared to provide useful information about the relevant researches. Those interested to get further information about each title, may refer to the full paper conference proceedings.

At the end, we would like to take this opportunity and thank our conference committee members, all the respected authors, the IIEES academic members and staff as well as conference sponsors that contributed in preparing this conference proceedings.

Mohammad Kazem Jafari
Professor, Conference Chairman

Kambod Amini Hosseini
Associate Professor, Conference Co-Chair