Special Issue on Bam EarthquakeVolume 5: No. 4 (Winter 2004) – Volume 6: No. 1 (Spring 2004)

Reconnaissance Report on Bam Earthquake Social and Public Policy Issues
K. Tierney, T. Tobin, B. Khazai, F. Krimgold, and F. Parsizadeh


May, 2004 the “Learning from Earthquakes” program of the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute sent a team of researchers on a reconnaissance mission to Iran and the site of the Bam earthquake (December 26,2003). The purpose of this team was to study social science and policy aspects of the earthquake impact, relief and recovery phases. Interviews were conducted with a wide range of stakeholder groups including victims and those responsible for public and private recovery activities. Observations were collected related to transitional housing, mental health, economic and social recovery and the planning process for permanent reconstruction. Particular attention was paid to innovative programs and policies developed in response to this earthquake disaster.