This year motto: Prepared students – Safe families

The 22nd national “Earthquake and Safety” Drill was held on November 28th 2020, announced by the earthquake siren at 9:55am from the national radio, and was performed by the students and parents from home. This drill is held annually with the collaboration of many related organizations in all Iranian neighborhoods across the country. This year, due to the spread of the Covid-19, the drill was held online. Therefore, the drill guidelines and poster was produced with the approach of “Safety against earthquakes at homes” and was publicized through the IIEES website as well as the Shad application (student’s educational network) in order to be used by all students and their families across Iran. In this guideline, the students and their parents could receive information on correct sheltering, emergency evacuation, how to prepare safety kit as well as making the non-structural elements safe in their homes. The main goal of the drill focused on increasing the earthquake awareness in the families and related training on safety provisions and sheltering during earthquakes. In addition to the drill, extra programs were also performed including holding “Educational content production competitions” and producing “Drill performance film”.

This year drill has been held with the collaboration of  many organizations such as Ministry of Science, Research and Technology (International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology), Ministry of Education (Student Organization), Ministry of Interior (National Disaster Management Organization), Iranian Red Crescent Society (Youth Organization of Iranian Red Crescent and Relief and Rescue Organization), Tehran Municipality (Tehran Disaster Mitigation and Management Organization), and the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting.