Vice Presidency of Research and Technology is directly supervised by the President, and can be mentioned as the important part of IIEES in fulfilling the institute goals and missions. Some of its main activities are outlined as:
- Carrying out the policies and strategic design of research and technology;
- Supervising the proper implementation of projects in research and technology;
- Conducting IIEES technology council as the first lead in the implementation of IIEES technological projects;
- Contributing to the postgraduate council as the first policy maker in strategic planning of IIEES postgraduate studies and approving the enforcement programs of postgraduate courses;
- Planning and supervising the earthquake engineering and seismology in holding specialized short-term courses for experts outside the institute.
This vice presidency is composed of:
- Research related to management;
- Processing and computer services group;
- IIEES technology group;
- Equipment and laboratory group;
- Library.