Vol. 2, No. 3- Summer 2000
Seismic Waves Propagation in a Multi-Layered Geological Region, Part I: Non-Elastic Steady State Case
Petia Dineva and elena Gavrilova
The Direct Boundary Integral Equation Method (DBIEM) studies the two-dimensional “in-plane” steady-state wave propagation problem in a non-elastic multi-layered region with non-parallel boundaries. Wave attenuation and dispersion due to the non-elastic soil behavior are investigated by the generalized Maxwell-Gurevich model (GMG model). The numerical example solved considers two real geological situations for a multi-layered soil media with existence of salt ore deposits. These situations concern one and the same geological region but in different periods of its exploitation in 1951 and 1994. There is a change of the situation during the years when the exploitation of the salt ore deposits has been done. The region is subjected to incident time-harmonic seismic P-waves. Theoretical amplitude-frequency characteristics at the free-surface points for elastic and non- elastic cases are obtained and compared.