Vol. 3, No. 1- Summer 2001

Deterministic Seismic Hazard Assessment for North Morocco
F. Vaccari, B. Tadili, A. El Qadi, M. Ramdani, L. Ait Brahim and M. Limouri


The purpose of this work is to evaluate the regional seismic hazard for Morocco, following the deterministic approach proposed by Costa et al [1], based on the computation of complete P-SV and SH synthetic seismograms. The input for the computations is represented by source and structural models. Seismic sources are parameterized using the knowledge about past seismicity and the tectonic regime. The regional structural model we adopted is the one proposed by Cherkaoui [2], modified in its shallower part to account for the effects of the uppermost sedimentary layers. Maps of peak acceleration, velocity, and displace-ments are used for the general representation of the hazard. Accelerations are in good agreement with the values determined by Jimenez et al [3] with the standard probabilistic approach.


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